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Recent content by Absurdity

  1. Absurdity

    Seasons greetings

    Contact the lady friend
  2. Absurdity

    Pragmatism Vs. Nihilism: The Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson Trifecta

    What the fuck am I reading
  3. Absurdity

    Pragmatism Vs. Nihilism: The Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson Trifecta

    You’re taking my example out of context. Milo seemed to think we wouldn’t be able to avoid making prescription errors for people who don’t fit neatly in the two gender categories of male and female, while I demonstrated that we handle a far more complicated issue of medically relevant...
  4. Absurdity

    Pragmatism Vs. Nihilism: The Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson Trifecta

    lol no you didn’t I suppose not being able to call black people the N word is similarly unjust since it is compelled silence. Do you see how absurd this reasoning is? If your fallback to not being a dick is the First Ammendment you don’t really have a leg to stand on. Muh moral purity. I...
  5. Absurdity

    Pragmatism Vs. Nihilism: The Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson Trifecta

    Society can't handle transgender people because we only print medical forms with two gender boxes? You know there are like 8 different blood types right? If anything we should have far more precise and granular ways of differentiating humans than the millennia-old and clearly flawed categories...
  6. Absurdity

    When is thinking excessive?

    Questions will always outstrip answers. You can either keep pursuing them forever or not bother. Either way, being right isn't the only thing that matters in life. Baseline human functioning (survival, socializing, basic tool-making and craftsmanship) has no need for that kind of advanced...
  7. Absurdity

    Pragmatism Vs. Nihilism: The Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson Trifecta

    Here https://static.currentaffairs.org/2017/12/the-cool-kids-philosopher
  8. Absurdity

    When is thinking excessive?

    No it doesn't. You can know plenty of things without bothering with those things. The majority of humans who have ever existed have probably never thought of any of those things for more than ten minutes over the course of their entire lives. Papa McCarthy with a parable:
  9. Absurdity

    Statistical Analysis of intpf

  10. Absurdity

    Oh haha yeah I gave that up after about a month but I'm picking it back up again after doing a...

    Oh haha yeah I gave that up after about a month but I'm picking it back up again after doing a few hours of tedious data entry work that I knew I could write a script to do in seconds if I had just stuck with Python a bit more. My roommate is starting to learn too so hopefully there will be some...
  11. Absurdity


  12. Absurdity

    increasing discipline and stuff

    Mostly renounced the cult, not solely due to the effects of occupational burnout, but that certainly helped. I stretched myself too thin for too long and then started to wear down, psychologically and physically. Some slobbery has ensued I guess. Seems to come with the territory. I think most...
  13. Absurdity

    Oi! The chatbox isn't loading for me cunt. What kind of shitshow are you running here? <3

    Oi! The chatbox isn't loading for me cunt. What kind of shitshow are you running here? <3
  14. Absurdity

    increasing discipline and stuff

    I used to be a young productivity obsessed fellow like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.
  15. Absurdity

    Overeducated unemployed

    Is this a parody?
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