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Recent content by baccheion

  1. how women judge you (opposite sex)

    Looks, money, status. Any one will leave room for viability. Women seek security and stability, leaving their maneuvering after high school much different from the years during. Women experience peak desirability somewhere between 18 and 21 (depending on the source). After, appeal steadily...
  2. Should I get a job or work for my dad?

    Are you sure you're an INTP? Why did you do poorly in high school? College?
  3. Describe your typical day in the year 2030.

    Machines taking over all jobs will be like customer service being outsourced to India. While stupid, I bet they try to do it anyway. I'll be rich, retired, and messing with the girl of my dreams in a nice house. Travelled the world? Maybe. Maybe it'd be fun, but I think most destinations have...
  4. Why IQ does not matter as much as people think....

    IQ doesn't matter because 98% of the population are below the level of synthesis (and 80%+ below one standard deviation). At the same time, many are prone to envy and competitiveness. Better to have an IQ 2 standard deviations above and complain than to be dumber. On the other hand...
  5. Not sure where to post but struggling a little

    Megadose D3 in this case is ~300-500 IU/kg/day for 3-6 months. Up to 2 years. 10 IU D3 : 2 mcg+ K2 MK-4. And magnesium.
  6. Not sure where to post but struggling a little

    In a way that's a distraction from the point. Have you tried anything to address the condition (not just maintain nutrient sufficiency)? Fasting? Megadose vitamin D3? Iodine protocol? Magnesium + B6 P-5'-P?
  7. Not sure where to post but struggling a little

    I have no plan on being vegan/vegetarian. I was wondering how it affected the poster I responded to and also suggesting they haven't gotten any labs run to verify/check their status.
  8. Not sure where to post but struggling a little

    Curious to about lab work to assess hormone/nutrient/etc status given dietary choices. And a body fat and bone density test.
  9. Convince me to do my homework

    See the supplement recommendations I made above. Also: What do you have to do? Why? What do you need to make it happen? Are you going to do it? When? Eliminating urgency is great. Have many things bouncing around in the back of your mind. What do you need to do? Think about the paper you need...
  10. My low processing speeed index

    Maybe dopamine/acetylcholine/testosterone (if male) is low. Is there some sort of health thing or is it wiring? I got 11/14 on the test.
  11. Not sure where to post but struggling a little

    Even the study I quoted talked about "isoenergetic" allotments which resulted in many more grams of plant- than animal-based protein. Nuts, eh? Yet another thing that lowers testosterone. A calorie isn't a calorie. Certain nutrients aren't as required depending on overall intake, stress, and...
  12. Humanity about to succumb to drug-resistant fungi and bacteria

    Regression: given free reign, all that would be left are bacteria and other basic organisms. Humans do something unnatural: artificial selection via institutionalization and media influence. We are being led down a path decided by a handful of self-interested psychopathic idiots. In all...
  13. Humanity about to succumb to drug-resistant fungi and bacteria

    The "fittest" are usually the simplest. You're talking about regression. What if.. a virus is like sperm?
  14. Not sure where to post but struggling a little

    Prove your point. The idea is plant-based proteins have lower amounts of certain amino acids. Also, many more grams have to be consumed to be equivalent to animal protein ("isoenergetic"). Tofu only? What other plant-based proteins of relevance exist? What opposes sex hormone synthesis...
  15. Not sure where to post but struggling a little

    Another link: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/british-journal-of-nutrition/article/effects-of-replacing-meat-with-soyabean-in-the-diet-on-sex-hormone-concentrations-in-healthy-adult-males/50C464775151BA6ECBF767221F763AFF. I suppose a compounding of studies would need to then be...
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