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  • Historically, I am attracted to NF women, but I am becoming much more like an NT these days. Have grown to verily dislike the drama and groupthink of a lot of those NF ladies (so many of them are sheeple too! >__<), so thinking more seriously about NTs...
    Hmm, OK, I guess I do have a few...

    -Is masculinity ever an issue?
    Especially as I grew up with two females, I am fairly androgynous in appearance and lack many of the traits a virile male is, popularly, supposed to have.

    -Where might one find an INTP woman, anyhow (not online)?
    I do have a female INTP cousin, but we are too culturally different to feel comfortable. I do think there is some kind of a mutual crush going on, but she is mostly lesbian...

    -What attracted you to him in the first place? What attractive qualities might a healthy INFP man have (this one is obvious I guess, but I want to hear it from you)?

    -Do you know of any trends in INTP females' preferred love language(s)? How do you express affection?

    -How much alone time do you each need? Are there ever any problems with the alone-time, together-time equilibrium?
    Hello there! Welcome to the forum.

    I was looking at your post in the Introit section and learned therefrom that you are an INTP female in a relationship with an INFP male. As an INFP male who struggles to find compatible females, I have been interested for some time in the idea of an INTP female. Presumably, she would be as much of a loner and homebody as myself, and would be equally distrustful and removed from mainstream truisms and conventions.

    Only things that might put a damper on the budding attraction would be my relative lack of independence (I am working on it) and the fact that I will probably not be able to keep up intellectually with her. I know a lot of INTP females would prefer someone who is intellectually on their level or above. Has this ever been an issue in your relationship?

    Perhaps you can write about your relationship if you ever get the chance? Hope I start seeing you around here...
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