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Search results

  1. gruesomebrat

    Been away a long while...

    Thought I might as well re-introduce myself, rather than jumping right in. Browsing through the members list, looks like a number of the more familiar faces and names have been gone for years. Finally got around to completing my first long-distance cycling tour this past summer, and I gotta...
  2. gruesomebrat

    I know I'm not "normal", but...

    I took a job as a bike courier in Toronto, figuring that it would be easier to train for my cross-Canada bike tour while working rather than training after work. Started the job on Monday, and today I had my first collision; not with a car, but with a pedestrian. Just as I was entering the...
  3. gruesomebrat

    Would you be satisfied with a purely menial job?

    I've been working warehouse and factory jobs for the past few years. Forklift, material handling, shipping/receiving. Combines short periods of problem-solving (tetrising 60 skids into a 53 foot trailer) with long periods of repetitive boredom. As mentioned by others, those periods of repetition...
  4. gruesomebrat

    Returning to INTPf, maybe...

    I'm doing well. It seems I pulled a classic INTP move, and found myself in a relationship without knowing how it happened, but it turned out all right. She's been a fantastic stabilizing influence on my life. We moved to Barrie, which is located on the beautiful Kempenfelt Bay. We're about 1km...
  5. gruesomebrat

    Returning to INTPf, maybe...

    I've taken a long hiatus from online forums entirely, but stumbled across an old link to one of my threads from the last time I was a regular contributor. Considering rejoining the community, but I'll likely just lurk for a while. Just wanted to say I'm back, even if I'm not necessarily...
  6. gruesomebrat

    MBTI character typing and criminal tendencies

    It's interesting to me that on the day that I started reading through my Facebook notes, one of which linked back to INTPf and a thread regarding MBTI typing and criminal behaviours, I notice not one but two threads with recent activity regarding criminality. I'm going to head over and read...
  7. gruesomebrat

    The INTPf invention ideas thread

    Pallet jacks are already an integral part of the warehouse environment. http://wiki.vpa.mtu.edu/wiki/images/3/3f/Pallet_jack.jpg http://www.midlandpallettrucks.com/adminimages/Company_16/HS-0809-HIGH-LIFT-PALLET-TRUCK.jpg Or were you looking for something motorized...
  8. gruesomebrat

    Not sure if I already answered your question elsewhere... I'm currently in Newmarket, but have...

    Not sure if I already answered your question elsewhere... I'm currently in Newmarket, but have been all over SW Ontario my whole life. Spent a few years in Cambridge, some in Milton, been down as far as Windsor... Been seriously considering moving to Hamilton next, as I have a few...
  9. gruesomebrat

    An INTP Run Society.

    I'm not sure that I would trust a machine as my doctor... unless you were referring to something like this. Beyond that, however, I agree that as time goes on, we should start seeing societies moving more towards something an INTP would be comfortable in, if not necessarily run by INTPs...
  10. gruesomebrat

    Can't read

    A lifetime total of 20 books read willingly is still much more than a large number of people who I've met will ever claim. Personally, I go through phases of reading activity. I'll have times when I'm reading 3 or 4 books at once, scattered around the house, but those times are offset by...
  11. gruesomebrat

    Titanic 3D

    WHAT???? Please tell me you're joking... If not, where can I find these comments to see the idiocy for myself? What the hell is wrong with our educational system in North America that people don't know that a popular movie had it's basis in a real-life disaster that resulted in the loss of...
  12. gruesomebrat

    according to this chart, we like DMT

    To be honest, I'm not into any drugs, period, but what this seems to be describing sounds like pure hell... why would I want to take a drug to disconnect from reality when a book, or in some cases, my imagination on its own, can create the exact same result? At least with books and my own...
  13. gruesomebrat

    Sheldon Cooper - ISTJ?

    Pretty sure the leap from luminous fish to loom was based on the word play here... 'LUM'inous=loom? Not sure which function would precipitate that leap though, as I've not done near enough researching into the whole MBTI/typing deal. Just saying... I understood the intuitive leap...
  14. gruesomebrat

    Titanic 3D

    Am I the only one who finds it distasteful that James Cameron is not only once again trying to upstage the anniversary of the Titanic disaster on it's anniversary, but he chose to do it on the centennial? I mean, you know that most people are going to be all abuzz about the re-release of the...
  15. gruesomebrat

    Let's all live together

    But the sky really is falling, honest it is... why won't you believe me???
  16. gruesomebrat

    Let's all live together

    Since I'm sure some of us would like to have relatively clement weather at least part of the year, perhaps Iceland would be best? They're supposed to be joining the EU soon, so passport-less travel to sunny destinations in Spain, Italy, etc., but you still get the 24-hour night during winter and...
  17. gruesomebrat

    Let's all live together

    It's only because Synthetix still hasn't told us where this intpf mansion is going to be. Once we know where we're going, we can stop picking on you.
  18. gruesomebrat

    Let's all live together

    Self-deletion gets a little confusing for those of us who didn't catch it before deletion, doncha think, Auburn?? Shame on you.
  19. gruesomebrat

    Let's all live together

    I've tried this. The world seems to resist all attempts by puny humans to rule it. Obviously, it simply doesn't see the benefits that would come of being ruled. I have come to the conclusion, therefore, that the world is not worthy of being ruled, and hiding from it is much more enjoyable when...
  20. gruesomebrat

    Trying to sneak in without being introduction? Well done, I must say. Welcome to the forum, hope...

    Trying to sneak in without being introduction? Well done, I must say. Welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy your stay.
  21. gruesomebrat

    Constant Sense of "I should be.."

    Stolen as my Facebook status for the day. If Visionary doesn't object too strenuously... or even if he does. @OP, I don't have too much trouble with "You should be doing this, that or the other" regarding everyday chores and errands; I seem to fall victim more to the sort of thinking embodied...
  22. gruesomebrat

    Let's all live together

    Gotta say I love the idea. Give me a generalized address (or at least the location of this community), and I will be there in a heartbeat... well, maybe a bit longer, as I'll be biking from Ontario, but I'll get there as quickly as I can. Did Auburn's post that Czech quoted get deleted, or is...
  23. gruesomebrat

    Career Project

    Depending on how soon this project is due, could you not just either email the physics department at one of the local universities, or go to one of the local universities in person (after school, of course), and talk to a physics prof there??? I know that's what I'd be doing in a situation like...
  24. gruesomebrat

    The Illuminati is Good

    OK, unless someone changed the rules, wouldn't G = ∞, G = 0 mean that ∞ = 0? How can infinity be equal to zero???
  25. gruesomebrat

    September 11th

    10,000 babies were born in the USA. Hurricanes Erin. Felix, and Gabrielle were in various stages of development. Parliamentary elections were held in Norway. I'm sure other interesting things happened, but I don't have the interest to go running around the web trying to find reference to them.
  26. gruesomebrat

    Good Friday??

    Wait, I'm not supposed to eat meat on Good Friday??? *looks at breakfast sausage* *shrugs* *eats it anyway* Oops... didn't know about that part. Pagan rabbit festival makes sense, I suppose. I had always thought that the rabbits and eggs came afterwards, as a commercialization of the holiday...
  27. gruesomebrat

    Good Friday??

    I'm not sure what's so good about it. I mean, besides the obvious fact that it's a statutory holiday, which means no-one has to go into work today, what's the 'good' part of this holiday? Before it was a stat holiday, it was still considered good, and yet the origin of the holiday comes from the...
  28. gruesomebrat

    Anyone know anything about bikes? [bicycles not motor]

    Gotta agree with lucky on that one. Head-sized rocks are gonna be troublesome regardless of what you're riding. As far as men's or women's, I've personally ridden both and don't see that there's much of a difference in the ride itself. Granted, I haven't done any serious riding on a womens...
  29. gruesomebrat

    Anyone know anything about bikes? [bicycles not motor]

    If you're going into a decent bike shop, you shouldn't have too much trouble with being sold a lousy bike. In my experience with cycle shops, the staff is usually incredibly helpful and incredibly knowledgeable about their product. If the bike is selling for less than about $500, you'll want to...
  30. gruesomebrat

    Game of Thrones

    Hmm, I've only read the second book of the series, but I do recall Tyrion being a complete ass pretty much throughout it. Very conscious of the fact that he is 'deformed', and very arrogant about his learning; nevertheless, he was still one of my favourite characters in the book.
  31. gruesomebrat

    Wrangling My Rabid Monkey Mind Into Submission

    Mello, this reminds me far too much of my bike accident in December '09. Pulled the same thing, then found out the next day that I had broken my fibula when I crashed. As amusing as it was to see people stare in shock at a guy wipe out on his bike, practically get run over by his buddy, then get...
  32. gruesomebrat

    Bird Banned?

    I had been wondering the same thing, but didn't see the point of bringing it up, and wasn't quite interested enough to go searching through the forum for the reason. At least I have the excuse of having been gone from the Internet for 11 months... what's yours, Solitaire??
  33. gruesomebrat

    Hmm, so just out of curiosity, whereabouts in Ontario are you??

    Hmm, so just out of curiosity, whereabouts in Ontario are you??
  34. gruesomebrat


    Michigan, or New York???
  35. gruesomebrat


    Ahh, snafupants, we know you love us Canucks! Mizzykin, welcome to the forum. Glad to see another Ontarian around here. I was starting to think I might be the only one up here.
  36. gruesomebrat

    rice crispy treats

    This bothers me. May I assume you meant the treat which is named after them, rather than implying that rice crispies are somehow named after the treat that is their main ingredient? Back on topic, the full breakfast rice crispie treat sounds fantastic. I think the next time I have the...
  37. gruesomebrat


    Considering Israel's history of wiping out their neighbours, I wouldn't give Iran very good odds... has it been 40 years since the Six Days War yet? Forty seems to be a big number in their history (Noah, the wandering in the desert, Jesus' temptation) Explain how one explains a question...
  38. gruesomebrat

    Alternative for jobseekers: Social business

    I think it's a great idea, but the above quote may be a bit idealistic. If you're already running the business with a modest profit to cover expenses, what would be wrong with a small dividend? Especially if you were to keep the number of shares or the dividend per share low, there's no reason...
  39. gruesomebrat

    Sleep Deprivation

    Just finished a 34 hour, but only slept for ~8 hours afterwards... like Jennywocky, I'm usually running really low on sleep. 2-3 hours per sleep session is normal, with 20-24 waking hours in between. My sleep schedule refuses to correspond properly to a 24-hour day, though. Interestingly, while...
  40. gruesomebrat


    lol, you would be slightly surprised??
  41. gruesomebrat

    Question About Perpetual Motion

    Alright, so I know that digging up old posts is sort of frowned upon, but I really didn't see the point of opening a new thread to ask a question regarding perpetual motion when this one was sitting here, unused. I was over on Wikipedia earlier today, looking at their page on the subject, but...
  42. gruesomebrat


    Sorry, I just happened to see that she had already answered your question...
  43. gruesomebrat


    Does my browser use a separate dictionary for spell check, or the same one as my word processor? I don't know enough about spell check to go fooling around with it, because I proofread my own writing, but it's annoying when it screws with my posts online. Because it's made of Tigers...
  44. gruesomebrat


    This forum has such crappy smiley options because we're INTPs and don't express our emoticons very well. Explain why the auto spell check has underlined "emoticons", "icebreaking", and "longwinded" tonight.
  45. gruesomebrat


    Welcome to the forum, Kira. The whole INTPs meeting and finishing each others sentences thing is actually pretty cool. I agree it's eerie, or can be, but the whole idea of having someone who is able to think along with you is amazing. I know when I first met my biological father (INTP trying too...
  46. gruesomebrat


    lol, this is so incredibly true for me, except that the last bit should say 9:00 instead of 8.
  47. gruesomebrat

    INTP at school: How do you do it?

    Funny, I was always the guy that never did any homework, aced all the tests, then did makeup assignments at the end of semester simply to get a decent grade. I was looking at my high school transcript recently and was amazed that I got mid-60s and low 70s in classes that I don't even recall...
  48. gruesomebrat


    Earth was bulldozed to make way for a hyperspatial expressway. Explain why certain ideas become phenomenal successes, while others burn out.
  49. gruesomebrat


    Power lines are insulated to avoid ensure that the electric energy follows the conducting wire, instead of flowing into the critters running on the line. Explain the answer to life, the universe, and everything. EDIT: Sorry, just realized you asked about communications lines, not power...
  50. gruesomebrat

    Machivelli Test

    78. I find it odd, however, that according to their chart, most people who take the test are scoring in the mid 40's and up... I find it hard to believe that the majority of the population believes in Machiavellian ideals. Perhaps the vagueness of the questions is influencing the data too...
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