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Search results

  1. smallbear

    Noticing the Intro Post/Reply rate correlation...

    Thanks, I quite like the Stoics. :phear: No, like I said - this is the good bit, the shit run was my life up till now. It's quite possible that I'm on a cusp, a pivoty-thing with finding this forum today and the INTP thing. Even the humour here makes sense. Even the smilies make sense, though I...
  2. smallbear

    Cured my depression

    Found this to be pretty powerful, am going through a similar phase myself.
  3. smallbear

    review - The INTP: Personality, Careers, Relationships, & the Quest for Truth and Meaning

    I haven't read it but discovered it shortly before this forum (ie: today). Does it include any practical/pragmatic advice for being an effective INTP? I'm wary of this sort of book (usually North American) thyat just pratlles on for 300 pages and then at the end states: 'you should talk...
  4. smallbear

    Noticing the Intro Post/Reply rate correlation...

    Oh Hi, fancy meeting you here.... a fellow strayin. I just want to point out how weird it is to get a reply, let alone a positive one, and then from an Australian on any site ever.... I'm on the DSP Happy, drugged to the gills on Lexapro, wife's just left, breaking a lease in the middle of...
  5. smallbear

    Noticing the Intro Post/Reply rate correlation...

    My name is Ash and I just discovered my type is INTP, so I've been reading all about it and contemplating my future, if there is one. I'm here because I'm stuck and have been for about 39 years. I'm looking for effective form/s of therapy and ways to get unstuck, mainly to actually think...
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