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Search results

  1. Lyra and Freemasons

    To anyone who is angry that I am attacking Lyra and called him a freemason, please listen to this,. I am at war with the freemasons right now. I really don't have time for this bullshit but I need closure so I can heal and attain my fuller form. That way I can do war with the freemasons and...
  2. ET encounters: the other realms

    Terence speaks of encounters with beings resembling the myths of folklore such as faeries, gnomes, jinn, and so on. This is connected with alien species, but are not invaders from another planet so much as coinhabitors. Then there are humans who have passed onto the spirit realm, perhaps...
  3. Chiastic structure of function order

    I had wondered before about the structure of function order. It seems to make intuitive sense, but why? And just now I came across this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiastic_structure The structure of the function order is clearly chiastic. The first four functions have the structure of A B...
  4. Typology obsessiveness

    Does anyone else have an obsession with typology? If you don't, I guess you can still respond in terms of other obsessions you have, if you're an obsession prone person. I've been obsessed with typology for years - almost for as long as I've known about typology at all. I generally don't mind...
  5. Mergings and psychosis

    Psychosis is a higher state of existence. Yes, that is correct. You start off basic then get full on then extend your boundaries beyond where you were. It goes, 1 2 3 4 and I'm out the door. Psychosis is like... transcendental experience. To transcend means to see beyond the boundaries of...
  6. What job should I get?

    So I need help deciding on a career path. I have a maths degree. I got a maths degree because it was easy for me to do, I wanted to get a degree, and I had hopes that it would turn into something like environmental modelling or something along those lines, because basically: I want a job that...
  7. Experiential proof/disproof of type

    So, I'm not sure if I've just proved or disproved (or neither) that type is real. Either way, I think I've added some clarity to the understanding of how type manifests. So, basically, this is an introspection based experiment that I carried out, and which anyone can try to replicate and see if...
  8. Give it to me straight, doc

    My identity is interlinked with INTPforum. I have a simultanouelsy grandiose and modest perception of myself. I need to know how special I am. What effect do I have in the grand scheme of things. I need a realistic appraisal. None of this "we're all special" and none of this...
  9. Re-defining Utilitarianism

    Utilitarianism is defined as the belief that the best action is that which maximises happiness, however it also includes a definition of happiness: happiness is that which feels good. So we have a subtly non-circular definition here: good is that which feels good. So, what utilitarianism...
  10. Strange occurrence in Facebook's "People you may know"

    So, I know someone who has a facebook. On their facebook they have only one friend, and as far as I know the only details they have in there are their name and date of birth. Now, in their "people you may know" list, facebook has included all kinds of people that they know. Family, work...
  11. Profit seekers

    Being rudely surprised by ads coming up on youtube has reminded me of something important. Humans, a good many of them any way, are obsessed with the attainment of profit. Advertisements, with the occassional exception of an informative one, do nothing to advance mankind in anyway. We could...
  12. It seems I'm rejecting my Se

    I seem lately as though I am beginning to reject my Se. I am not including the Se element in my posts as often as I used to, I am not listening to Se dominant music and enjoying it like I used to, and I am becoming very negative towards things like alcohol and smoking which I tend to enjoy...
  13. Cognition outside of the 8 cognitive functions?

    Since being able to identify which cognitive function I am using at a given time, I have been quite shocked to find out that, pretty much all the time, I am using one of the 8 functions. This leads me to ask the question: What kinds of cognition can not be put under the banner of one of the 8...
  14. Worthy Life Goals?

    I'm constantly tortured by the fact that, to all reasonable measure, I fail to live up to my own potential. I know that there is so much I could be doing and could have already done, I know this both intellectually and I feel my distance from it, but as much as I want to think about it, I am at...
  15. Appearance of Function Order

    So we know there are 4 functions - 2 rational, T and F, and 2 irrational, S and N. So, opposing functions share a common attitude to rationality. Then, they appear in a person in an order: dominant -> auxiliary -> tertiary -> inferior (-> others?) With auxiliary opposing dominant in...
  16. Variation on Plato's Divided Line and the 4 Functions

    I have a long time ago noticed a similarity between Plato's divided line and the four functions (N, S, F, T). The line goes like this | Intelligence/Dialectic | Mathematical reasoning | Belief | Illusion Now, there is a certain aspect of this which makes it so that the higher portion is...
  17. Squawk

  18. Speechcrime Laws

    Hey I am bad at google and I think some people here may be good at google. I would like to know what the laws are regarding speechcrime. The full list of speech crime laws. Which things are against the law to say them? That is all. Maybe also if you have the time I want to know the...
  19. Party Thread

    I'm in the mood for a forum party Quality Control it tomorrow ? :) Tonight.... GET CRUNK GET CRUNK GET DRUNK GET FUNK aight aight let's go

    IF YOU ARE FALSE DO NOT ENTRY OR YOU WILL BE BURNED AND DIED IF YOU ARE FALSE AND YOU ENTRIED LEAVE OR BE BURNED AND DIED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI1ItXX3QV0 Ya gotta hit 'em where it hurts - their values! Alright, now, what do they value? Absolutely fucking...
  21. Some issues I have with Schizophrenia Diagnosis

    So, pretty much all of the Schizophrenia diagnostic criteria I have seen seem to be really, really vague. Based on the definitions, it seemed to me that Schizophrenia was this thing which is actually based on quite standard experiences, however it has occurred to me that actually there may be an...
  22. ho do u Ne in the ppl world??

    Ne go to fast ADDHDADHA people say slow down what u saying could be this or this no that wworks that doesnt work no maybe this no not could be this walkin down the street tyurn ruight left righ what u sayn so ventually they lock u up say here take a horse tranquilzlier cos u 2fast2furos 4...
  23. The Moral Debate: Do Greatness and/or Badness exist?

    [bringing the debate here] Primary axiom: goodness exists in various degrees. Proof: assume the contrary, then all actions are equally preferable, thus we may assume that goodness exists is true, lest all things be true, in which case it is also true anyway [is there a flaw in that...
  24. What ACTUAL benefits has science gotten us?

    Like, I'll make some revolutionary science theory if you guys want, but what is the point of that exactly? Surely I do just as much good for the world sitting in my room drinking bourbon and smoking? :confused:
  25. Another Two Dreams

    I had another two dreams: In the first, AnimeKitty prevented the uprise of the Dark Lord Satan, stopping him from getting to the throne. Sinny91 was there as well. I think Satan is now in some kind of box and she is guarding it. The world is saved once again! Second dream: Someone...
  26. My Dream This Morning

    Hi I don't know how much of the dream I had last night is known to you, I want to talk about it so I will try and say what I remember and what my questions are: So much of the time in the dream I am at my old house from childhood with my mum and sister (I do not think my dad was in the dream)...
  27. The Official Put-Artsu's-CDs-back-in-their-CD-cases Competition Thread

    So today was the day of the Official Put-Artsu's-CDs-back-in-their-CD-cases Competition The entrants were: Adymus, Sinny91, Sparrow, Thomas Chenault, Bird, Hadoblado, EyeSeeCold, Bird, Lyra, and Helvete. Here are the results: The awarding of the awards: And the overall winner...
  28. Pod'Lair

    So, a few years ago right, Pod'Lair approached me and asked me to join their cult. I said ok. Then I approached Pod'Lair and asked them to join my cult. I forget what they said, I think it was a yes? Idk who cares Ahahahahahahahhaaaahahha xD :smoker:
  29. A message for Smokey

    You ain't Smokey? Then it ain't your mutha fuckin message. This is Mafia. I be all up in yo shizz and u aint no what happen what just happened? :confused: Aight yo. I be killin em Gz. Artsu breezy. PARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY I be dealin em chillin em up like heads up round the ring...

    What you are seeing is a genius at work; And it's easy to misinterpret it at first. So raise your fists higher, To the song of a liar, The spark to the fire, Unduggen the Myre. Artsu, the Warrior of the Planes. Artsu, the Changer of Dreams. Artsu, the Switch to the Mains. Artsu...
  31. hey guys

    what r the meain metaphysics etc. philosophy questions the big one ??? i am finding answers to the q's of our minds, wich do i answer tho? have been thinking abt this one etc. have found 7 of t/light stones, on searching for more! :D
  32. Jung's Four Archetypes

    There's probably a thread on this already, but oh well haha, there's quite a lot of repetition on MBTI threads. Am I INTP, ENTP, INFJ etc. So, what do you all think about Jung's archetypes of the Self, Shadow, Anima/Animus and Persona? I have some thoughts that I'll share a bit later, but...
  33. Socionics vs MBTI

    For those not in the "know" Now, the idea is thus. Socionics and MBTI do not agree about what functions go to what type, in particular in the case of introverts. But there is really no disagreement, it's just that the function definitions are different. See, when Jung refers to the...
  34. Haters are, quite simply, going to hate.

    There are those in life who wish to see you suffer, to see you fail. Nothing brings them more pleasure than to see others fall, especially if by their hand. Why are they like this? I could speculate endlessly as to the insecurities which would give rise to such a character, but I am sure it has...
  35. Excuse me?

    Well, since you've decided now to track me down on okcupid and make a fake profile just to talk to me I guess I'll make a brief comeback. Yes members of this trollfest of a forum sent me crazy. Yes my first girlfriend broke up with me. Yes I dropped out of university. Yes I was hospitalised for...
  36. WHY

  37. Typing by language/text

    Typing should hypothetically be doable to a quite accurate degree by analysing a typical sample of text created by someone. This is assuming language production comes from extroverted judgement. Is the language - qualitative/summarising or quantitative/descriptive (P vs J) -...
  38. Favourite digimon?

  39. Talking too much

    If your mind is talking, tell it to stfu. Silence sounds better.
  40. Dreams

    show you deep truth. thank you for this insight. (no, not any of you)
  41. Fuck ASPD assholes

  42. Favourite pokemon?

    What's yours?
  43. "Te he."

    he he he
  44. Giving and taking

  45. [split]

  46. Being offended

  47. Parties

    Yeah, just don't show up. You're not actually being pressured, it's fine to not enjoy them. No one will be offended if you don't go.
  48. The ego

    " The ego acts according to the reality principle; i.e. it seeks to please the id’s drive in realistic ways that will benefit in the long term rather than bringing grief.[13] At the same time, Freud concedes that as the ego "attempts to mediate between id and reality, it is often obliged to...
  49. An epidemic

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CFzCBbOXKc Hey look. You get good grades in school. So if you're so smart... then why are you hitting yourself? Hey look. You're not getting good grades any more, are you? So then, why are you still hitting yourself? Why, it's almost as if you're being...
  50. Open/closed perception

    Se: pleasure = perception is closed when it should be closed Ne: pleasure = perception is open when it should be open Si: pain = perception is open when it should be closed Ni: pain = perception is closed when it should be open Ne/Si: perception is open [...] Ni/Se: perception is closed [...]
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