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Search results

  1. didyouknow

    INTP Interaction Manual

    Just send them a link to "You know you're an intp when..." and if they give up half way through, well, you gave them adequate warning. :smoker:
  2. didyouknow

    Your ideal home?

  3. didyouknow

    The knowledge v.s intellectual test

    7/9 Intellect You are 59% knowledgeable and 92% intellectual. I probably only got a higher score in intellect than you two because I didn't skip questions... Ahh, I wish they didn't use American history, it's only really taught in American schools. :slashnew:
  4. didyouknow

    Anybody here Seen Death note?

    Death Note is one of my favourites because of the brilliance of their plans. Its wonderful to watch a show where you can't predict what's going to happen. Not to mention that L is one of the very, very few INTPs represented (at least accurately). @fullerene: Ahhh... because of you I had to...
  5. didyouknow

    Who's your favourite person on the forum?

    I'm not sure I like the idea behind this thread. It seems it will inevitably lead to the same people being promoted and excluding everyone else. Threads like this are rather destructive to the community.
  6. didyouknow

    Sentence that will change your life

    I don't think I've ever heard mine... but I think it would go something along the lines of "It's okay to be selfish once in a while."
  7. didyouknow

    Musical Snapvine!

    Fukyo, honestly it wasn't that bad. Also, I love your accent. It's awesome.
  8. didyouknow

    INTP soundtrack

    *Revives thread* Just discovered this song... Autoclave by The Mountain Goats YouTube- The Mountain Goats - Autoclave
  9. didyouknow

    Do you have an Fe fetish?

    Oh yeah, I used this when I did my acting a few years ago. I ended up top of the class and my teacher who previously hated me (I never handed in my English assignments on time) decided I was her star pupil. All in all it was a strange, but fun experience. Of course once it was over I had the...
  10. didyouknow

    The Best Personality Type For You Test (for romantic partner)

    INFP (You scored 25 I versus E, 20 N versus S, 40 F versus T, and 40 J versus P!) I'm not surprised... I usually have conflicts with INTJ's over me having such a big pness. Drives me crazy (probably annoys them even more). I think it could also easily have been INTP, just how I chose to answer...
  11. didyouknow

    Female INTPs

    I thought I'd comment again seeing as the last time I commented was a year ago and I think my views have changed since then. Is it just me or is it really weird reading your old posts? Thanks to this forum I've become largely more accepting of my differences. I have my own brand of...
  12. didyouknow

    Feeling Underestimated

    It really, really pisses me off. My brother does it to me all the time and it's even worse when they completely misjudge your character when they've known you all your life. It's taken me to the point now where I avoid any and all contact with him because I know the instant I accidentally let...
  13. didyouknow

    So.. where do you belong?

    The place I keep returning to in my dreams... wherever that may be.
  14. didyouknow

    Do you think you fully belong here?

    Well I've been here for almost a year now... not that's you'd know it though. I guess I don't feel like I fit here at all... don't really know anyone... not intelligent enough for the more deep conversations, nor funny enough for the fluffy threads... but I do enjoy this forum quite a lot... 0.5
  15. didyouknow

    This weird "favourite number" research

    I have a huge preference for even numbers, especially 2. My favourite number is 22, after that 24, 28 and of course, 42. :D
  16. didyouknow

    Visual Identification

    My nickname as a child was "boo" because I always looked like I'd "seen a ghost". Apparently I still have that wide-eyed expression on most of the time. I used to be unable to have my eyelids covering any part of the iris. It's a bit better now, but still noticeable. I stand with feet...
  17. didyouknow

    Typing by facial features

    ISTP 42% Extroverted, 67% Sensing, 68% Thinking, 71% Perceiving
  18. didyouknow


    I have a sort of all or nothing memory. I don't remember many things but the things I do remember I can recall in a surprising amount of detail. Contrary to RubberDucky though, I can never recall emotional memory... just images and sounds. Occasionally I lie awake at night and all the...
  19. didyouknow

    How much do you spend on clothes?

    Being raised in a home with limited funds I feel rather uncomfortable buying clothes that aren't on sale... but I spend pretty much the same as everyone else... never over $30, most of them somewhere between $15-20. I did spend $60 on a jacket once though but it had sentimental value to me.
  20. didyouknow

    Core Style

    I've noticed a lot of other females on the forum prefer mens shirts. Is it just me, or are they like 100 times more comfortable? I only have two but they feel nice and loose.
  21. didyouknow

    Musical Snapvine!

    Ziggy, yours was so funny. :D Niteshift, I really enjoyed that. Thanks for posting. :cool:
  22. didyouknow

    Press the button?

    I had considered using the money to save more lives, but realised it's still wrong to choose the fate of someone else, even for charity. :[
  23. didyouknow


    Last time I cried was a combination of shock/disgust because my brother betrayed me, and then in the same day my mother made me feel guilty about my reaction. I think it was because I had not been reacting to his provoking for a long time and then suddenly it went too far and everything I had...
  24. didyouknow

    Why I am not here (but through a chain of strange events am)

    There's not really much left to say but hang in there, hope for the best and remember that we're all here for you. :)
  25. didyouknow

    Change in General

    The more I learn about the world, the more I notice it's always changing and always chaotic. I think people are the same. However it brings up a question we must answer first. What exactly is personality? I think externally personality defines you in a common set of behaviors you're more...
  26. didyouknow

    Good INTP site?

    I know one that'll work for free! But what would the website contain...hm...
  27. didyouknow

    INTPs and Money

    It's a good thing I don't care about money, otherwise I'd be screwed. :storks:
  28. didyouknow

    Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to Gorgrim with the awesome kitty...

    Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to Gorgrim with the awesome kitty avataaarrrrrr Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuu *bows*
  29. didyouknow

    The Graphology Thread

    It all seems fairly accurate. Though ambition... changes over time. Sometimes I dream big, sometimes I'm more realistic. I only truly have 2 close friends. As for the sarcasm that depends on what mood I'm in. :P This is more accurate than I thought.... perhaps I shall look into...
  30. didyouknow

    I am Damaged Goods

    I assumed it was for the English speakers >.> Now considering all of this XIII stuff (though I'm skeptical) it could just be bad translation. D: On second thought, if her English was that good why didn't she just put Beijing? Otherwise it lends credibility to the XIII claim, as the role of the...
  31. didyouknow

    I am Damaged Goods

    Welcome to the forum! What a pretty name. :D By the way, you go to Beijing University?? :O Is that really prestigious? I study Chinese... only had to look up one character! ;P
  32. didyouknow

    The Graphology Thread

    Here's the writing typed up in case you can't read it: This is so embarrassing. I think I should have written something up on the computer first as I was unable to edit it. :storks: EDIT: I just realised that it gets bigger as it goes on, I think this may be because I started getting a...
  33. didyouknow

    I'm a bit afraid to be here...

    Welcome! I only tolerate the colour orange in the presence of an octopus... you're lucky this time. Oh, and don't worry... we don't bite. :) Well, most of us.
  34. didyouknow

    Respect for an individual

    I try to give everyone equal respect. You can't dismiss anybody because about 80% of the time, you are completely mistaken. There are of course things people do to lose respect. For example, people worthy of respect are not selfish, greedy, irresponsible, etc. Even so, those who exhibit...
  35. didyouknow

    You know you're an Intp when...

  36. didyouknow

    You know you're an Intp when...

    -When your mother has to drag you away from the gigantic volume on Jung. *sniffles* It was so beautiful! *sigh*
  37. didyouknow

    Core Style

    T-Shirts and jeans, ah. I also wear singlets and shorts in the summer time. Skirts at home because I don't feel comfortable wearing them in public. I am strangely attracted to long jackets. I have a knee-length one that's brown with a soft, velvety feel to it and a long leather one. I...
  38. didyouknow


    My persona is also one of niceness. Though I do have to work on it seeming more genuine as I have been told I often seem bored by their conversation. One of my best friends recently told me that the only thing he doesn't like about me is that I "always seem to be trying to be someone I'm not"...
  39. didyouknow

    Your username

    My friends noticed that I said "Did you know..." a lot when I was 'spouting random facts'. Usually ended with a patronizing pat on the shoulder and me glaring at them. What nice friends I have. Anyway, I decided to use that as a username because I thought it vaguely described an aspect of...
  40. didyouknow

    Changes in appearance

    My changes consisted of buying shirts that weren't white, black or blue.
  41. didyouknow

    Importance of spelling/grammar

    Re: Importance of spelling/grammer I wouldn't say annoying; it's more distracting than anything. I automatically twitch when I see a very obvious mistake. It depends. If you accidentally replace a word with it's synonym it can get very irritating. For example: "This room is quiet."...
  42. didyouknow

    Musical Snapvine!

    Wow, that was beautiful. Amazing. You're a very talented pianist. :D An inspiration to a crappy piano player like me, trying to learn. How long have you been playing for?
  43. didyouknow


    Hello, there. You seem like an interesting character. Welcome to the forum, you'll fit right in. :) Are you too upset with the state of the so called 'monsters' of long ago?
  44. didyouknow

    Type Confusion

    I think it's normal for people to have moments where they act like other types without actually changing types at all. For now I think I'm INTP, but sometimes I wonder if I'm INFP instead.
  45. didyouknow

    Attention Spans

    That is called the magic of firefox browser history. :cool: Screw it, these emoticons are better...
  46. didyouknow

    You know you're an Intp when...

    -When you are lectured about doing the 'right' work and not your own freelance education. -When after said lecture, you start to work, but due to fear of operant conditioning, make sure it looks like it doesn't have any effect.
  47. didyouknow

    Attention Spans

    *11 hours later* Wow. Maybe my attention span is that bad. At around 5pm yesterday I found this page. I left it in a tab while I went off to do other things. It's now 4am. I was watching music videos on tv and reading forum posts. Then watching you tube videos about how to pronounce...
  48. didyouknow

    Hello there. Nice to meet you.

    Hello there. Nice to meet you.
  49. didyouknow

    Oh, of course. :D *takes away $100*

    Oh, of course. :D *takes away $100*
  50. didyouknow

    Why, hello there. :) I'm doing alright... also, I think I shall steal your avatar. :D

    Why, hello there. :) I'm doing alright... also, I think I shall steal your avatar. :D
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