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beint intp, do you guys find you relate storongly to:

Local time
Today 2:08 PM
Sep 15, 2013
Christchurch, New Zealand, New Zealand
being intp, do you guys find you relate storongly to this comedian guy named Tim Minchin?

I personally find that tim minchin is pretty much the 35 yr old version of myself. the only difference I can see between him and I is that he is better at perveying his ideas, his vocab is more extended and he is much better at music than I am and hes 35. also I am not funny

other than that, it strikes me that our ways of thinking are identical. Tim Minchin is probably my most admired living person. I use the same critical thinking he does and i have just generally the exact same thought process as him, its like I am his clone or something, hell I even look alot like him. if i grew my hair and grew a beard I'd look just like him.

my point of this post was to ask, do many of you feel you relate to his thought process alot?
I think he is XNTP favoring E slightly.

edit: I should mention that if you go on youtube and watch "storm" and "if i didnt have you" and really any other video by tim minchin, you should get a feel for what I'm talking about.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Yesterday 10:08 PM
Jan 10, 2013
West Virginia
I love his work. He can produce both brilliant satire (thank you God), and some wonderfully sentimental stuff, which can make me cry (white wine in the sun, or it's not perfect)


Local time
Yesterday 7:08 PM
Jun 15, 2012
A scary place (my mind)
I watched a couple of his videos just now, and I could relate to everything he said. It is a little bit too showboaty for me, though (yes, I understand that that's the point. It's designed to be entertaining). I like my thinking like I like my towels...extra dry.

Edit: I also like my comedy that way too lol


Local time
Today 4:08 AM
Dec 4, 2010
i watched some videos now. to me he seems like someone who carefully archives poignant examples of principles and combines them in arrangements designed to convey said principles indirectly, through appeal to emotion. the only Ne expressions i see are kinda sterilized and stifled. if he was an Ne dom he would get tired of taking five minutes to deliver what could be said in one sentence to someone interested and receptive. his passion lies in pleasing and convincing a crowd, not innovation.

a lot of his disciplined creativity reminds me of an ISFJ friend who does music, writing very effective, elegant pop songs much like minchin. they are both traditional and highly competent - with a quirk, of course, but a rather harmless one. the work ethic is a major strength, and indeed there's a lot of work and planning behind music like his from what i've gathered. when i try to imagine the people who'd laugh, young ESFJ's are the first to pop up.

personally i think this guy should be doing straight pop songs and ditch the comedy. but who am i - clearly he enjoys success.

S type doesn't mean you're allergic to social progress and a little sarcasm. there's a correlation sure, but also plenty of exceptions. both minchin and the friend i mentioned are such exceptions, exhibiting high intelligence and openness to ideas in conjunction with ISFJ traits.

this is my impression so far, maybe biased by a jealousy i possess as an aspiring musician. i'd like to hear some more in-depth reasons for his alleged NTP-hood.

your avatar is baws


Soul Shade
Local time
Yesterday 7:08 PM
Jan 8, 2013
You basement
I find mocking to be useful as a learning tool. I actually don't find the type of mocking that makes up his whole act funny. There are some that I do but not his.
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