Before I can even take the test, I have to know more about some of the concepts: I was fairly enterprising and resourceful in the real world of business. But, ultimately, my mode is to not judge anything and take all information in and even then, I leave space for changes, I try not to assume anything and really like resolving things.
Being enterprising means
having the resourcefulness, initiative and drive to recognise opportunities, and the motivation to make the most of them.
An analytical thinker is
a person driven by curiosity to get to the bottom of things and solve a problem or find an answer. Analytical thinkers don't assume anything about the problem at hand; instead, they begin by questioning everything about the issue.
Your result is: INTP
Analytical, knowledgeable, and intellectual, you prefer to immerse yourself in complex problems and projects. If the interest is there, you can become so engulfed in the problem and your own thoughts about it that you tend to forget about everyday living and become absent-minded and remote. You are driven by a desire to understand and explore the problems that interest you on an intellectual level, which means that sometimes you are more interested in the ideas that govern a given problem than in the actual problem itself. You want to go your own ways and you resent being controlled or told what to do. And to your credit, you do not want to control other people either, if only you can be left free to organize the ideas in your own head.