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Posts split from The Darker side of INTP

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Existential Nihilist
Local time
Today 8:40 PM
May 31, 2012
But, you are not an INTP. Case closed.


Existential Nihilist
Local time
Today 8:40 PM
May 31, 2012
Re: The Darker side of INTP

for some of our younger members like Daxwing and Own8ge.

Duxwing is in a temporal mood (which can not be reflected by type-development. Why the F*ck would you even think such?!).
My own psyche is beyond the stages of type-development. Stop making claims outside of your own knowledge. :confused:

Making claims outside of your own knowledge is the manifestation of having a consciousness that does not tactfully reflect ID. It would be highly probable to say that you are mismatching your own stimuli by having a wrong self-reflection. A low social intelligence is in most cases the cause for such. Or in many cases, it is the result of Autism.

Stop stating yourself to be superior, which you are obviously not. Stop trying. Just stop. This is pathetic.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 3:40 PM
Feb 15, 2013
Westbrook, Maine
Re: The Darker side of INTP

But, you are not an INTP. Case closed.

Instead of insulting you again about you arrogance, I will ask that you please read the articles as they are very interesting. I matters, very little what you think of me. This Post is about INTP's and one interpretation that I found very enlightening. What ever you think of me is irrelevant and beside the point.


Existential Nihilist
Local time
Today 8:40 PM
May 31, 2012
Re: The Darker side of INTP

Instead of insulting you again about you arrogance, I will ask that you please read the articles as they are very interesting. I matters, very little what you think of me. This Post is about INTP's and one interpretation that I found very enlightening. What ever you think of me is irrelevant and beside the point.

You involved me in your thread by mentioning me. Which made it personal, so don't come with this bullshit that you don't care about me. Besides, I am not insulting you. I am merely giving you feedback from my perspective. In contrast to you, I actually understand psychology. And that is not a matter of opinion, but a well maintained thesis.

The point that everything you say is in contradiction with yourself should state enough. You the fool however, fail to see this. Even after the numerous times I have explicitly clarified your delusion. Will you ever open your eyes? Or is it a matter of brain decease? I myself speculate you to have Autism.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 3:40 PM
Feb 15, 2013
Westbrook, Maine
Re: The Darker side of INTP

Duxwing is in a temporal mood (which can not be reflected by type-development. Why the F*ck would you even think such?!).
My own psyche is beyond the stages of type-development. Stop making claims outside of your own knowledge. :confused:

Making claims outside of your own knowledge is the manifestation of having a consciousness that does not tactfully reflect ID. It would be highly probable to say that you are mismatching your own stimuli by having a wrong self-reflection. A low social intelligence is in most cases the cause for such.

Stop stating yourself to be superior, which you are obviously not. Stop trying. Just stop. This is pathetic.

There is no superiority here. I plainly acknowledge going threw the same phase. I just happen to be older however at your current stage of life I was very similar to both you and daxwing. This is acknowledging a common link/bond in our life struggle. Therefore you are misunderstanding my point. I don't argue form a point of superiority but understanding. Both you and Daxwing are possibly just as capable or maybe even more capable of understanding this then I am. However, if you read the article he explains how apparent arrogance comes form the INTP faith in there own process and how the early 20's can be a struggle when you realize that thought process is not always correct.

You should read it he writes it far better then I can.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 3:40 PM
Feb 15, 2013
Westbrook, Maine
Re: The Darker side of INTP

You involved me in your thread by mentioning me. Which made it personal, so don't come with this bullshit that you don't care about me. Besides, I am not insulting you. I am merely giving you feedback from my perspective. In contrast to you, I actually understand psychology. And that is not a matter of opinion, but a well maintained thesis.

The point that everything you say is in contradiction with yourself should state enough. You the fool however, fail to see this. Even after the numerous times I have explicitly clarified your delusion. Will you ever open your eyes? Or is it a matter of brain decease? I myself speculate you to have Autism.

When did I say I don't care about you. Not to say that I care a lot about you but if you came to my mind as a good example of someone that might enjoy the article and learn something form it, then obviously I don't not care about you completely or I wouldn't have thought of you.

What I said is I don't care what you think about me. Which is a completely different thing all together. I see you as a bright but young and inexperienced person. If you can learn form me or someone else it would be beneficial to you. That is why I mentioned you. I am sorry you took it as a personal insult. There really is nothing insulting about the article if you read it. Its just taking about a developmental stage for INTP's. I understand that you don't believe yourself to be an INTP but you do like hanging out with INTP's on this forums and the developmental stage seems to fit for you too. I could be wrong I acknowledge that I know very little about you personally. however, you seem to be very attached to your theories the idea of truth. Something you have in common with most INTP's. This is not a bad thing just an observation if you take offense to it that you problem.


Existential Nihilist
Local time
Today 8:40 PM
May 31, 2012
Re: The Darker side of INTP

I will hereby end this discussion for the sake of avoiding derailment. Your perception of me is incorrect, whilst you have explicitly stated that you could learn me something. In my opinion, that is the highest form of arrogance. I've made my point, you've made yours. I will disengage from this thread.
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