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MBTI and neuroscience verification?

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 1:15 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Michael PierceHas made a summary of the 4 function by their orientation. So I am wondering about how we can apply this to neuropsychology. I do not know the neuro connection yet but I will describe the functions the best I can.

Here is his description list.

Ni contemplative
Se photographic

Si recording
Ne innovative

Fi individualistic
Te induction

Ti deduction
Fe accommodating

Here are the descriptions of the functions that I hope can be applied to neurological correspondence (notification, this is my opinion, I may not be accurate and ask for additional answers)

Irrational Functions

Ni like Ne is associative, the difference is that most ideas in Ne are a web whereas Ni is more linear in following the course of ideas in one direction. Ni is convergent ideas and Ne is divergent ideas. The Pathways is resultant in fleshed out Ni or novel original collage concepts Ne. Dario Nardy shows Ni as blue coherence on the EEG, with Ne is Christmas tree lights over the brain on the EEG. Ne likes to collect allot of data (through Si) That more nodes in its network can grow.

Si pays attention to the environment by remembering everything that happens to them. Se is more focused on the how stimulated they can get by absorbing all the sensory data they can. By the conventional way of saying it, Se is exploratory and big picture aware we Si is details oriented and resistant to change. Si wants routine and stability. It is selective is its sensory recording. Se wants to see everything.

Rational Functions

Fi as with Fe use feeling to make decisions. Rational means deciding, Irritation means content recognized with no effort is required to perceive, it just happens. Fi decides based on a bodily awareness that influences what is felt as good or bad. Since Fi is individualistic they may be upset when a value they have is violated and become reactive, anything else they do not care about they do not react. Fe is expressive in mannerisms that seem exaggerated but are deeply heartfelt but this still means when they act this way you cannot tell if they are lying or sincere because they can be both. Fe forms external attachments and dulls out harsh criticism in both measures. Fi because of the way they map feelings to their bodies can detect internal motivational signals (a fakeness detector). But still, Fi is bonded to some values that make they reactive. Rarity from my little pony is ENFJ, Princess Cadence is INFP. Fe makes decisions based on the experience of making people feel certain ways. Accommodating means what is best for the group and working things out as a group. Fe feelings come in resonance with the feelings of others. Fi knows who is compatible or not and avoids or seeks them out. Example (I know how a person will be reactive or non-reactive towards me and I act accordingly(avoidance or attraction)) a Fe type would take on the others values to treat them as the would treat themselves meaning aligning both value sets by consistently trying to influence the other person. Fe tries to make their values compatible, Fi recognizes alignment of values can only go so far.

Ti is deductive so that means it is top down whereas Te is inductive and bottom up. Ti used Ne or Se as auxiliary both collect data for Ti. With Te both Ni or Si is used to collect data. The conflict is Ti deductions are not at all apparent to Te because either Ni makes it so one idea refined by Ni is default the only way of seeing the world, inductions are solely based on Ni, same with Si because inference is completely bound by the daily routine that does not change and is all the data that can be used. Ne will gather data but it seems random which Ni and Si are skeptical of. Ti organizes its information by thinking about it so much as to make it perfectly logically complete. Te runs more on consistency than completeness. Te has a goal and that goal in thinking is to understand reality and make and build reality. That is way inference is in a conflict with Ti because Ti has no goal nor does Ti have the conclusions it makes as evidence of a reality that can be inferred from this reality. Te inference collects data then achieves a goal with it. Ti collects data and then creates a theory out of it that is complete and thus nothing can be inferred from it. Te consistency wants to know the applicability of a model. Ti rather creates a ginormous theory so it has no model but a map of a theory. Ti is complete, Te is consistent. Te abhors what cannot be tested. Ti abhors logical error because then everything has to be reorganized.


The IQ debate is one thing that can be examined. I was giving empirical evidence for why I think IQ measures intelligence. Instead of examining my facts as empirically valid or invalid. I was told that IQ is a made up statistical contract. I said that even if what was measured was not the totality of intelligence that the measurements made validly measured psychophysiological effects most likely to be found in the brain. I gave the example that I type 14 words a minute. I am in the bottom 6 percent in fine motor skills(6). Denying that I am not faster than 94 percent of people is insulting. It masks over the empirical evidence. Same for all the other subtest on IQ tests (the typing tests was not part of the IQ test). I have taken legitimate IQ test and I talked to my doctor about them. There are reasons the subtests are there, it is because the measurements are not just statistical guessing. Robustness in measuring a certain cognitive trait had to be there. The tests are not random. I said before I can hold 4-5 numbers in my head and I can find symbols with my eyes only so fast. The subtests represent actual abilities of a person, a person with a high ability can easily to solve problems on most all of the subtests. I know the response I will get is that IQ tests are palm readings or sudoku but that is just because I am looking at it empirically and not just that the subtests are random and mean nothing. The conflict is between empirical vs nonempirical. If I am just going to be dismissed because IQ tests require some math and that I keep saying something must be being measured then I do not know what the fuck I am supposed to do. I keep explaining and explaining and all I get is "your just playing word games". That is humiliating that the others side does not even want to acknowledge simple things like how 94% of people type faster than I do and this is in principle what a subtest on an IQ test is doing the same thing. They fail to see how I argue by analogy but they are not empirical or maybe I am an Extroverted Intuitive and they are and Introverted Sensor. FUCK - It is an ENFP debating an ISTJ - FUCK.

Debate and Thinking and Feeling

Some believe Feeling and Thinking do not exist and that they are the same thing. Earlier I said Rarity was ENFJ. Twilight Sparkle is INTP. Now if you watch the show you can clearly see Feelers and Thinkers exists. Discord is ENTP.

Most notably of people that discard the category of T and F are Thinkers. The cannot see that Feels make decisions based on values. The suppression of feeling in thinkers means they view everything as logic, that means you either choose a goal based on some criteria and then you execute. Thinkes disregard values decisions because they cannot understand what a value is or that it can be the totality of a person cognition. Pure values are what they are missing. In logic, only efficacy and planning and tactics fill their heads. It is not that all Thinkers disbelieve value decisions exist. It is that the majority of thinkers who debate the opposite side rationalize away their own deep, deep, value system. They think everyone thinks like them "Logically". I admit I use logic heavily but it is nowhere near as dominant as NeFi. An INTJ that has been here claimed that everyone is that same, that T and F are the same. But that is only a half-truth. Functions are not separated into neat little boxes but they do interact with each other. The whole point of Orientation (Extraversion and Introversion) is to show the entire spectrum of Judgment and perception.

Does Animekitty seem like a Sensor?
Does Animekitty seem like a Thinker?

Everything I express is the result of a suppressed Te, but Ne is dominant so Fi acts weird also. The whole IQ think makes me mad because other people make it seem like I am into voodoo, not science. I present what I say and presented with the notion I play word games. It is just so stupid, I feel stupid when nothing I say will change their minds and just keep adding on to insult with injury. I am mad because I am an ENFP and my mode of communication is associative which is seen as illogical and my Extroverted Thinking is suppressed so my logic is weak. I am at a disadvantage because I am ENFP. All it is, is I just feel bad.

The final thought is that I am ENFP and so I can differentiate Thinking from Feeling. They do exist. And I hope you can tell I am a Feeler, not a Thinker because there is a contrast. My Extroverted Intuition is as recognizable as daylight.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 1:15 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Introverted Thinking vs Extroverted Thinking.

Ever since I discovered Jungian typology INTJ's have had conflict with INTP's. I was able to tell from how the logic of both were distinct and how they interacted. Today I found a diagram that helps further explain the underlying differences.


In the diagram, it shows induction going from observation to hypothesis well is also shows deduction going from hypothesis to observation. In the logic structure, Premises are hypothetical and conclusions are observable. INTJ's are inductive so they first gather data and then try to find a premise that will not be in conflict with the data. The premise must fit the data, therefore, a premise can be discarded if it does not fit. INTP's are deductive so this means they will begin with a premise and look for data to confirm that the premise is true. But this does not mean they are looking for confirmation bias. They are not trying to make a valid model like the INTJ is. They care about having as many premises as possible and using data to make their logic sound logic.

So this is where the conflict arises. INTJ's have a model and evidence. They argue for the model and for the conclusion that is all the data and making all of it fit together. The INTP will be critical that it should all fit together. Many data points are in complete opposition to each other. INTP's will point out a data point follows from a completely different premise from the main premise. The INTJ will see this as nitpicking. The INTP will see the INTJ as having a "conspiracy theory wall" view of things. The INTJ can accept that data must be thrown out or the premises must be changed.

The INTJ can be single-minded in pursuing "The Truth", the grand scheme, a single premise. INTP's having tested thousands of premises understand that they must be precise in presentation of multilayered logic that their conclusions have not poor foundational knowledge. This is why INTJ's get upset is that they ask for evidence and INTP's present what is to the INTJ's convoluted ground truth. The premise has been tested and so have the others, so deductively to answer the question assumptions are made that puts the evidence in many contexts and not the single context the INTJ's is looking for. The difference between INTP and INTJ is multiple contexts vs single conclusion. INTP's are seen as impractical because they entertain multiple alternatives for the data. INTJ's must have everything fit into one framework. INTP's can sometimes get lost this way but INTJ's on occasion fall prey to the conspiracy theory wall because they only see one expression of the data as not being able to have multiple premises.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 1:15 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Chris Langan INTP

(Uses logics efficiently, creative, knows a lot, allows for discourse mediation)

Ti deduction
Ne innovative
Si recording
Fe accommodating

Animekitty ENFP

(Creative, internalizes everything feels personally involved, building strong conclusions, a large store of knowledge)

Ne innovative
Fi individualistic
Te induction
Si recording

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 1:15 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Sensing to begin when Extroverted goes from the back brain first in development occipital lobe, parietal lobe, and temporal lobes. These areas of the brain create the experience of the world. The wires in Se types are connected to match incoming signals and the better they match the more vivid the image. With images in the mind, the frontal lobe sends signals to the back of the brain generating imagination. Introverted sensing as Carl Jung has said mixes their inner impressions with the outside world so it's not just imagination but triggering and mixing of inner imagines with the outside. This lead to experience being entangled with other experiences through images and other senses that can make then relive events in similar situations. By this, they can get an impression of people and even know what may happen if things continue like what they experienced beforehand.

Intuition relies on sensation for causal information as sensation perceives how things happen together. What Intuition does is takes the memories of events that have happened and combines them. Ni will take memories and create new memories and also take your memories and find the paths they are leading to. This is all internal because of Introversion of the Intuition. It is finding out what the pattern is of the information in your psyche. What does everything in you mean together and what your dreams being created mean and even your future. Extroverted Intuition combines everything in the self and projects it onto an external object, so an invention is not something created fulling in the mind from only whats inside but something is seen and the idea, the insight is not pointed inward but outward. When pointed inward because of the causal memories it is possible to know things from experience yet extrapolate far beyond because the chain of causal events went further in the unconscious of intuition.

Intuition happens when the mind is empty of thought and effort and is still and quiet.
In a meditative state but ideas and insights are still possible not just zen.
It flows over the whole brain.

Feeling is about like or dislike. Fi is inward directed so they want to be the light that creates something that makes them happy. They have inside them feelings that they wish to shine everywhere. Or at least they have deep feelings about something that they wish to make manifest, to have that cause succeed. Or to just have their feelings acknowledged, to let them be able to feel what they what to feel. That they can feel what they feel. --- Extroverted Feeling is more about seeing what others are feeling rather than focusing on what they themselves are feeling, they are totally focused on others. Because of this, they are generally neutral in feeling and void of emotion though they do express emotion it is just the emotion is zapped of its feeling tone, like when in meditation you can still be in touch with your body but feel empty moving it. Feeling is connected from the limbic system to the frontal lobes.

Thinking is more controlled and is in the frontal lobes. Extroverted Thinking is about connecting to solving problems in the outside world. According to MBTI Te will be with Ni or Si -- So TeSi will get impressions of how things will happen from past and current experience. This means to solve problems is need to learn what happens regularly and what is random. This way TeSi can predict trends. -- TeNi insights will naturally leap to the surface that Te will have to see f the apply to the real world and this will require testing. If results are positive Ni increases in ability to make insights if negative results then Te sees that Ni needs to be checked in that area more thoroughly needs improvement.

Introverted Thinking is focused inward in the way it solves problems. It is less hands-on and more head in the clouds. Ti combines with Ne and Se. -- TiNe first takes Ne ideas it saw in the world and uses all the mental tools it has in its mind to order it with all other ideas it has had. Ti is all about order because of all the ideas Ne produces it needs structure and way to catalog and categorize. Make things need. Then it can manipulate Ne ideas and all other ideas in its mind/head and work with it. Because keeping order is important, mental tools develope to do so. TiNe must order the inner world and this makes then different than Te types. -- TiSe types have good visual memory so Ti has a lot to work with keeping track of multiple locations and objects and what they do and Ti can create plans and strategies for what can be done. Se can give visual images also that Ti can see in the head to confirm strategies of object locations.
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