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Far Future Universe (world-building)


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:03 AM
Dec 12, 2009
I often entertain the notion that mythological deities and Lovecraftian abominations are what humanity will be like in the far future, for example if you had a Star Trek holodeck would you use it responsibly? Of course not.

So this thread is about coming up with reasons how/why humans (or whatever humanity has become) abuse their technology/power and the scenarios that come about as a result of that, then at some stage maybe we could patch all these scenarios together (working out how they overlap and interact with each other) to create a big interesting fictional universe.

In general try to keep the tone pessimistic (like the SCP foundation) and try to avoid anything with excessively broad/overwhelming implications as a courtesy to your fellow writers.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:03 AM
Dec 12, 2009
Play Worlds
Planets used by transhumans for recreation in much the same sense that we use the persistent virtual worlds in MMO games. Especially prized for this purpose are worlds with still functioning ecosystems or better yet a native population of sapient aliens. Recreating the battlefields of North America during the third world war just wouldn't be the same without civilians to get caught up in the collateral damage.

Flesh Crafting
Go browse Deviant Art for a bit, pay particular attention to depictions of monsters, body horror, fetishes, etc, now imagine instead of working with a paint & canvas or a stylus & tablet those artists are able to make whatever their sick little hearts desire out of living, feeling, screaming, people. It's called genetic engineering and it's art.

Glitch FTL (excessive implications)
Suppose we figure out that we live in a virtual universe, after the existential horror subsides people will of course start looking for ways to make use of this information, perhaps one of those uses may be exploiting glitches in the simulation to facillitate faster than light travel. Of course making the universe glitch out isn't the safest form of travel and aside from the potential immediate consequences (exploding, getting stuck in something, falling out of the skybox) there's also the long term consequences to consider of introducing ever more errors into the simulation.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:03 PM
Aug 15, 2013
In terms of evolution, we probably become genetic basketcases. Genetic technology or engineering will become so perverted that we won't be humans anymore, but some kind of hybrid alien crossbreeds.

Either that, or we master nanotechnology and becomes something better.
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